Who Are You? I’ve never seen you before…

Man: Yeah! I just lost my job and came here for a drink

Bartender: What kind of Job?

Man: Well. I am a Consultant.

Bartender: Whats that?

Man: Its a logical thinker.

Bartender: Logical Think, what?

Man: Let me explain it with an Example.
Do you have a dog?

Bartender: Yes!

Man: That means you love animals
Bartender: True!

Man: That mean you love your kids too.
Bartender: Yes True!

Man: You have Kids, that means you are Married.
Bartender: Very True!

Man: You love your Kids. You are still married, means you have a beautiful Wife.

Bartender: Amazing man! How do you know all these?

Man: Thats logical thinking now you are married to a lady, so you are not Gay!
Bartender: Impressive!

Man: Time to leave. Bye!

(About 20 mins, later the Bartender’s Boss Comes)

Bartender: Boss, you know I met a Consultant today.

Boss: Consultant!!Whats that??

Bartender: A logical thinker.
Boss: Logical what??

Bartender: I’ll explain it with an Example
Boss: Okay!

Bartender: Do you have a DOG?
Boss: No!

Bartender: That means you are Gay!

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